Friday, December 18, 2009

Ibadah ibarat masakan~

Insan A:boleh perincikan?
December 14 at 12:41am
Azlan Musyabri
Azlan Musyabri
hint: semua yang wajib dalam peti ais, yang sunat dekat dengan dapur.. hehe..
December 14 at 12:42am
Insan A: yang haram?yg harus? yg makruh? dmna? huhu
December 14 at 12:43am
Azlan Musyabri
Azlan Musyabri
ibadah yang haram? apakah.. hehe..
December 14 at 12:46am
Insan A:
haha.. lpe lak.. kita bincangkan soal ibadah.. hehe..
December 14 at 12:52am
Azlan Musyabri
Azlan Musyabri
so any thoughts? =D
December 14 at 12:55am
Insan A:uhm.. thres no specific one i guess.. just that, eveyrtime buat experiment chemistry t, seolah2 sdg memasak.. n begitu juga sebaliknya.. hehe
December 14 at 1:03am
Azlan Musyabri
Azlan Musyabri
haha. .I had one status like that.. cooking is like chemistry..
aiseh.. there is really something behind this statement.. think2.. anyone? heh..
December 14 at 1:05am
Insan A:
if u did d experiment in a correct procedure with accurate reading n so on.. inshaAllah, u'll get a good yield..
as if u are cooking with d correct amount of each of the bahan, by following the correct order of which one should goes into the pan 1st.. then, inshaAlllah, u'll get it cooked nicely delicious.. walahualam..

p/s : cooking n doing the experiment with love also faktor pnting..;p
December 14 at 1:15am
Azlan Musyabri
Azlan Musyabri
haha.. views from a chemical teacher in the making..
it's not that complicated.. just simple cooking should be enough..
what's the purpose of cooking? to cook consumable foods, isn't it. from the fridge, we can get the chicken, beef, vege etc. we can simply cook and eat them, without adding anything else. but obviously, the food is not going to be tasty nor delicious. so, we add some oil, cut some onions and garlic, chilli, salt etc to spice up the food. got the big picture?
December 14 at 1:20am
Insan A:subhanallah.. got it..thanx.. ;)
December 14 at 1:22am
Azlan Musyabri
Azlan Musyabri
so what did u get? takut2 benda lain pulak yang dapat.. heh..
December 14 at 1:23am
Insan A:back to ur status.. why did we do d ibadah? to worship b close to Him..

daging, ayam, udang..ibarat ibadat yg wajib sprtimana prlunya ia utk masakan..

oil, rmpah etc..ibarat ibadat sunat yg melengkapi(btulkah term ini?) ibadat yg wajib itu..

December 14 at 1:28am
Azlan Musyabri
Azlan Musyabri
good2.. =)
December 14 at 1:29am
Insan N:
this looks like a good discussion. :)
December 14 at 1:33am
Insan A:
thank you Azlan.. jazakallahu khair..;)
December 14 at 1:36am
Azlan Musyabri
Azlan Musyabri
wa iyyak.. ;)
December 14 at 1:37am
Insan SH:
pulak.. cooking like chemistry.. skarang, ibadah like cooking.. ibadah = cooking = chemistry.. :0 hehe
December 14 at 3:30am
Azlan Musyabri
Azlan Musyabri
both equations are not alike for both aspects that were stressed. cooking is like chemistry since we can simply throw anything that we have but ibadah like cooking is like the above. thence, you can't simply throw anything into ibadah. there are distinctions between all ingredients. hehe..
December 14 at 11:31am
Insan RA:
nice discussion!! can i shout out my opinion??? i more likely look d thing as ibadah = cooking but chemistry is the rule of d other words, it explains d concept of sunnatullah..
December 14 at 1:13pm
Insan totally agree.
Nak masak,tak boleh semberono,sama dgn ibadah.Tak boleh ikut suka nak buat apa.
Bila kita memasak,mesti nak sedap n nak hidangkan yang terbaik.Jadi,bahan2 yang terbaik n berkualiti diperlukan.
Macam ibadah,kita mesti nak persembahkan yang terbaik untuk kita dapat nikmat ibadah tu.Jadi,ibadah2 sunat mengiringi+ketelitian ketika nk buat ibadah tu.
Hasilnya,kenikmatan yang tak terhingga,InsyaAllah.Moga diterima ibadah disisiNya.
December 14 at 1:18pm